DLSE Salon invite - How do we get Digital into the DNA of girls and young women?


Digital Leaders South East Salon : DL South East, Reading, United Kingdom - January 26, 2016.

I am pleased to announce that one of our discussant leads will include Gini Ekstein, EMEA Director & Business Psychologist at Microsoft and Leigh Smyth, Head of Group Digital Inclusion at Lloyds Banking Group. The salon will discuss and address the following challenges:

  • How do we accelerate the development of women in these roles?
  • What are the barriers and challenges that women face in a Digital environment?
  • What do we need to change in our Digital DNA to promote the growth of women in leadership?
  • How do we get Digital into the DNA of girls and young women?

Places are limited, so please register now to avoid disappointment. The free salon will include a networking breakfast.

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